What are SMART Goals?
When you’re building a business, it is important to understand where you’re going.
Where do you want to be next week?
Next month?
Next year?
Without a clear goal, you’re stuck in the whirlwind that is the day-to-day of a business and you’re not able to take steps that are moving you closer towards where you want your business to be.
S.M.A.R.T. Goals use a framework to outline the key aspects of high quality structured goals. By following the S.M.A.R.T. goal process you’ll set better goals that can be communicated to your team to be all hands on deck in accomplishing your mission, whatever that mission maybe.
What are S.M.A.R.T Goals, and why do they matter?
What does S.M.A.R.T. mean?
SMART is an acronym that helps guide you through your goal setting process.
S.M.A.R.T. Stands for:
S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Achievable
R – Relevant
T – Time-Bound
How do you write a S.M.A.R.T. Goal?
S – Specific
Make your goal specific, and easy to explain.
Example: “I would like more qualified leads from my website”
M – Measurable
You either know you achieved your goal, or you don’t. Any ambiguity allows for in-action. Make your goal have a tangible & measurable criteria.
Example: “I would like 100 qualified leads from my website per month.”
A – Achievable
Setting a goal that is outlandishly far-fetched is a sure way to give up on your progress quickly. The goal has to be difficult, but not so difficult that it’s hopeless and defeating.
Example: If you’re currently getting 10 qualified leads per month from your website, aiming for 100 may be too aggressive for your first goal. Start with something more reasonable.
“I would like to double my website’s monthly qualified leads from 10 to 20”
R – Relevant
Goals for the sake of goals are pointless, how will your goal help you get closer to where you envision your business? Will your goal be relevant to your overall mission?
“I would like to double my website’s monthly qualified leads from 10 to 20 so I have opportunities to grow my companies revenue”
T – Time bound
Set a hard date that you will achieve this goal. Put it in your calendar, put it in your day planner. Make it known. When the countdown begins, taking action becomes essential.
Example: “I would like to double my website’s monthly qualified leads from 10 to 20 within 60 days so I have more opportunities to grow my companies revenue”
Final Smart Goal:
“In 60 days, my website will be producing 20 qualified leads so I have twice the sales opportunities to grow my companies revenue”
4 Tips & Tricks for Successful S.M.A.R.T. Goals
1. Be in the right mindset when setting your goals
Make it a priority. Schedule time in your calendar for goal setting and place yourself in the right environment.
Take your time, and make your goals meaningful.
2. Get Input from your Network
Having another set of eyes on your S.M.A.R.T. Goals will force you to explain your thought process when setting your goals. As well as have someone to challenge you to think bigger, or make sure your goal is relevant.
3. Revisit Your Goals
Writing your goal is the first step, working towards the goal is equally important. Set time to revisit and track the progress you’ve made towards your goals.
4. Share Your Goals
Tell your team, tell your friends, tell your mentors. Broadcast what your goals are. If other people are aware of your goals, the stakes are real. Having a network of people to hold you accountable is the best way to accomplish your goals.
Bringing your S.M.A.R.T Goal Together
Now that you know how to set a S.M.A.R.T. goal. Set a time to do your goal planning. Follow this guide to set goals for your business that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound and you’ll be on the way to reaching the next stage in your business.
Once you successfully achieve your S.M.A.R.T. goal, you get to start the process over again & level up your goals.